Eggs and cholesterol

Egg is one of the most common products in the culinary field, but it can cause serious poisoning due to certain changes. The shell is composed of calcium carbonate and small amounts of magnesium carbonate and calcium phosphate.

Researchers say that egg white contains water and proteins of great biological value that contain the 8 essential amino acids. And egg yolk contains lipids and proteins, is the largest source of vitamins, minerals and essential substances in this food and, as we will see, eggs and cholesterol have a better relationship than we always thought.

People should know that the consumption of this product is not related to a significant increase in blood cholesterol. This opinion is a myth, because up to 80% of what our body contains is produced by ourselves and has more to do with lifestyle, stress and sedentary lifestyle.

The main diets responsible for raising blood cholesterol levels are saturated and partially hydrogenated fats. Therefore, restricting the consumption of this type of fat is more beneficial for the lipid profile of the blood plasma than reducing dietary cholesterol.

Experts in the field say that foods high in cholesterol also have a high content of saturated fats, but eggs do not. The composition of the egg is somewhere at 200 mg of cholesterol, but it has more unsaturated fats, which are good for health, than saturated fats and only 70 kcal. In addition, due to its phospholipid content, which interferes with its absorption, this cholesterol has a reduced effect on blood cholesterol.

Cholesterol has a high density protein (good) and a low density protein (bad), and the ideal ratio is two parts good to one bad; The egg has this balance, so it helps clean the arteries and veins of saturated fat.

People need to know that this product can raise cholesterol in the body only if we eat 6 eggs a day, but the national consumption per capita is one per day.

In this article I will tell you some benefits of the egg. These are the following:

  • First of all, this product is very good for controlling the body’s weight, because an average egg contains only about 70 kcal.
  • With the help of the protein in this product, you will be able to increase the feeling of satiety.
  • Prevents macular damage and memory. Egg yolk contains lutein, a pigment from the carotenoid family that we also find in vegetables. It acts as antioxidants that are deposited in the eyes and has been shown to protect and prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • And last but not least, this food is an excellent source of protein: eggs are an excellent food to incorporate into our diet, with quality protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, they are easily accessible and very versatile foods, because we can use them in a variety of recipes.
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